8 Quotes & Sayings By Ian Doescher

Ian Doescher is the author of the critically acclaimed novel "The Cuckoo's Calling," which was chosen by The New York Times as a notable book of 2013, and has been optioned for a television adaptation. He is also the author of "A Walk Across Spain," a nonfiction work about his adventure walking from Madrid to Barcelona, and "The Paris Review Interview: Ian Frazier." Born in San Francisco and raised in Oakland and Berkeley, Ian attended the University of California at Berkeley and received his MFA from Columbia University.

Indeed, it may most verily be said That only death...
Indeed, it may most verily be said That only death and taxes certain are. Ian Doescher
I do believe–that all the world's a star. Beyond that heav'nly light I shall fly far! " Luke (ACT I, Scene 7) Ian Doescher
- Be thou not technical with me, / Or else thine input valve may swift receive/a hearty helping of my golden foot. Ian Doescher
-No, I am thy father. Ian Doescher
Nay, Nay! Try thou not. But do thou or do thou not, For there is no "try. Ian Doescher
Impressive, most impressive, worthy lad, Thine Obi-Wan hath taught thee well, and thou Hast master'd all thy fears. Now, go! ReleaseThine anger, for thy hate alone can strike Me down! Ian Doescher
O Luke, I would not lose thee as I lost Darth Vader. His betrayal made my life A bleak and tragic thing. Thy loss unto The dark would make my death a hellish, cold Eternity. Ian Doescher